The Imposter Series is a collaborative performance vehicle that engages audiences with dialogue, choice and experimental practice.
About This Project
We have made our initial Goal!...Now we are shooting for a stretch goal of $4500, YOU can still help!
About the Project
The Imposter Series is the current collaborative performance vehicle for dropshift dance, a performance company that is a provocative, inquisitive and authoritative investigator of movement. Conceived through a collaborative incubation laboratory of movement, sound, and visual installation, the work engages audience with dialogue, choice and experimental practice. dropshift was founded in 2009 by Chicago based artist Andrea Cerniglia as a movement project dedicated to a collaborative and investigative studio practice and pushing the boundaries of the art form in performance.
The next installment of the Imposter Series is entitled Imposter/Contained and involves the artistic work of Andrea Cerniglia with various collaborators in movement, music composition, interactive set design, and video. The series is designed to engage audiences through installation-based performances and encourage proactive choice in vantage point, proximity, and duration of engagement. dropshift encourages audiences to move around during performance and to make choices about what, how, and when to watch.
The work of Imposter/Contained explores personal identity of character in response to outside force, limitation, and our environment. It asks questions like: “Which persona copes with this environment? What positioning is the most optimal to gain control? How does morality impact choice and where does responsibility rest?” Performers are allowed to create a layered version of self; taking on fabricated personalities and movement qualities in order to thrive within the environment created by specific restraints.
Your donation will contribute to Imposter/Contained by supporting vital artistic and production costs! Your donation will partially support artist fees, venue rental, material costs to construct our large interactive projection screens, and the commission of an original musical score. Imposter/Contained is the next installment of the Imposter Series and with your help, it will premiere in the Spring of 2015!
Donate before December 10th; your contribution to 3Arts is tax-deductible!
Project Narrative:
Imposter/Contained unites real time sound composition, movement, video and textural installation pieces to explore the intersections of self-imposed limitation; physical, mental, and relational; with structures of power we experience within society. It is the culmination of a 14-month long research process investigating personal experience with structures of power, and how this affects our movement patterning, character development, and output as artists. Dancers execute solo, duet, and trio movement sequences set against larger than life video projections that explore abstract shape and pattern. Movement sequences reveal exaggerated shaping, acceleration and deceleration of time, and gestural mannerisms unique to each mover. Theatrical movement characters are revealed as the viewer experiences a world of dynamic mood shifts, layered sounds, and vibrant video projections. Audience members are invited to roam through the space as dance and video performances spontaneously emerge. In real time, performers succumb to a structure of power that imposes limit and control, forcing accommodation and change, and revealing characters of wacky and extreme nature.
Imposter/Contained's collaborative team includes artistic architect and director of dropshift dance, Andrea Cerniglia, composer, Chris Fisher-Lochhead, designer, Amanda Lee Franck, video artist, Rosa Gaia Saunders, and lighting designer Richard Norwood.
Movement collaborators and performers include: Julie Brannen, Anne Kasdorf, Nicole Scatchell, and Colleen Welch.
Thank yous
Contribute any amount or choose from the levels below.
- $25Personal written thank you from the Imposter Series collaborative team via email ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $50An enthusiastic shout out on facebook and a pair of tickets to our upcoming production ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $100Gift Certificate ($20 value) at swanky watering hole, Drinkingbird, Chicago, a pair of tickets to our upcoming production, and honorable mention in our production materials ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $250One complimentary entry to Warrior Dash, the world’s largest obstacle race series, held on the most rugged terrain in more than 50 locations across the globe, a pair of tickets to our upcoming production, and honorable mention in our production materials ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $500A pair of tickets to attend the American Beer Classic, the ultimate opportunity to celebrate and experience America’s finest beers, presented by Red Frog Events, a pair of tickets to our upcoming production, and honorable mention in our production materia ($0.00 is tax deductible.)

Andrea Cerniglia
Andrea Cerniglia began dancing at an early age while growing up in the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts. Dance has always been a large part of her life and her training ultimately led to a BFA in Dance from the University …
View Andrea Cerniglia's profile-
Update 1: We are SO close!Posted on November 06, 2014
Hello Everyone!
We are 1% away from receiving our cash match from 3arts, all becuase of YOU! Thank you for investing in this work. Help us share the project so we can get this thing fully funded!
Check out a clip from a recent showing of in-process work! ... Enjoy!
Dropshift Dance - Imposter/Disrupted from Roberto Martinez on Vimeo.
Update 2: Just 1/3 LEFT!Posted on November 07, 2014Hello Again!
Thank you again to all dropshift's core supporters. Now we are in the home stretch. Just 1/3 left to raise. Share away, any friends or fans that you know who have been watching the campaign and waiting in the wings- NOW is the time! We cannot do it without all of YOU!
Update 3: The Home StretchPosted on November 15, 2014Thank you to all of our supporters thus far! This project's success is intergral to create our next work, and we have LESS than 25% left to raise.
Please consider sharing out work so we can get this project fully FUNDED!
Anonymous Supporter
Helen Eickhoff
Lesa Mehl
Jon Satrom
mark beasley
Carolyne Cerniglia
Becky Mitchell
Lee Evangelista
Anonymous Supporter
Katie Zobrist
Cathy Horak
Maggie Bouffard
Meg Englehorn
Molly Ekerdt
Jeanne Angermeier
Paul Pignone
Elizabeth Christensen
Sharon Anderson
Nicole Luszczyk
Gregg & Jessica Cerniglia
Robert Ward
Annie Britton
tina panagiotakos
Robert Mandell
Robert & Marlene Wolfe
Stephen & Sharin Cerniglia
Maryellen Jankowski
D Purnell
Andrew Dennington
Rebecca Bombard
Kate Telesca
Nino & AnnMarie Cerniglia
Michelle Kranicke
Thank you to the following for contributing to 3Arts with the recommendation that we support this project.

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