Gestures of Hybridity
“Gestures of Hybridity” is a series of large drawings that are a hybrid of visual forms and sound. People of any age, gender, or culture are invited to “play” the drawings by following along the graphite paths, which alters the sounds/tones being emitted from each drawing. Hybridity is the “trend to blend,” and we believe our drawings are a way to begin a dialogue—about experiences, questions, similarities, and differences related to people and cultures in the 21st century. We live in a time of unparalleled cultural and social shifts, and new technologies have made the world a smaller place, so no culture remains untouched by others. Along with the installation of drawings and sounds, we will also conduct studio workshops that lead participants in their own exploration of cultural hybridity. We have been invited to install our drawings and to lead studio workshops this summer in South Africa and Germany. We’re excited about this project because it offers us an opportunity to travel and share this project and engage in more cross-cultural, face-to-face participation. DOEprojekts is passionate about engaging all people, and we invite you to be among our participants and supporters to help make this project happen.
About This Project
DOEprojekts is an art and cultural practice co-directed by Deborah Adams Doering and Glenn N. Doering. We have deep roots in Chicago—we were both born in Chicago, and have lived here for more than 30 years. But we also have an ever-growing social-engagement in communities in other parts of the US and the world. We are proud and pleased to represent Chicago’s strong art/cultural presence to others around the globe.
“Gestures of Hybridity” allows us to explore working with a wide variety of audiences. Our intention in creating this project—both the installation as well as the companion studio workshops—is to share our experiences with cultural hybridity, and to listen to and integrate the experiences of others. It builds upon our recent DCASE award, and further explores what we call “Coreforms and Keywords.” The Coreforms in our art practice are zeros, ones, hyphens, tildes, and periods. The zero, when in movement and when viewed from changing perspectives, may be seen as the other forms. The keyword in this project is “hybridity,” a term historically used in biology and botany to signify two different species of plants or animals becoming a blended entity. But now, “hybridity” (the trend to blend) is a keyword in popular culture.
Our current “Gestures of Hybridity” installation is a series of 7 large graphite and color drawings exhibited at the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago from March 19 - May 2. The technology that allows these drawings to be “played” is designed specifically for the HPAC installation. For this installation to travel—in the US, and also overseas to South African and German venues—the wiring, programming, and possibly the drawings themselves, will need to be altered to allow for maximum flexibility. Likewise, all supplies for the studio workshops will need to be purchased and made completely packable and portable.
We feel that this work is important because it offers everyone a break from the “zeros and ones” of our computer screens and provides an opportunity for a one-of-a-kind cross-cultural dialogue. At DOEprojekts, we are deeply invested in public and participatory art and cultural work. Your support will help us to create, install, and transport our work that uses art as the means to bring people of a variety of backgrounds together to share, explore and “play.”
More information about DOEprojekts can be found at and
Thank yous
Contribute any amount or choose from the levels below.
- $25“Gestures of Hybridity” collage of sound (mp3 file) ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $35“Gestures of Hybridity” mouse pad ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $50“Gestures of Hybridity” limited-edition onyx/steel pin ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $75“Gestures of Hybridity” Studio Workshop supporter – participate or support one participant in an upcoming “Gestures of Hybridity” studio workshop, plus your choice of mp3 file or mouse pad ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $100“Gestures of Hybridity” limited-edition onyx/steel necklace & earring set ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $300“Gestures of Hybridity” graphite and pencil drawing on paper, 18” x 24” (without sound; if you would like the drawing with sound, contact us for more details & pricing) ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $500“Gestures of Hybridity” Studio Workshop Patron – we will conduct our next community “Gesture of Hybridity” Studio Workshop in your name, plus you receive your choice of another thank you listed above ($0.00 is tax deductible.)

DOEprojekts is a socially-engaged artist collaborative practice led by Deborah Adams Doering (MFA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago) and Glenn N. Doering (MS, Loyola University). DOEprojekts invites art-knowledgeable and art-curious groups and individuals to interact with site-responsive artifacts …
View DOEprojekts's profile-
Update 1: "Gestures of Hybridity" Art (thank you gifts for your support)Posted on April 20, 2015
In return for various levels of your support (listed above) of "Gestures of Hybridity," we would be pleased to send you one of the gifts below. We are happy to answer any questions about "Gestures of Hybridity" -- simply email us at
Walter & Nancy Adams
Patricia McNair
Kathryn Whitten
Margaret Hutchings
George Higgins
Athena Azevedo
Basia Yakaitis
Yvonne Miller
Patricia Julius
Sandra Wilcoxon
Debra LePage
Stephen Hoesley
Jan Hartley
Crystal Chan
Richard Laurent
Judith Lansky
Grant Sims
Jeffrey Doering
Kathleen Cherie
Grace Carreon
Brent Fogt
Gerry & Linda Bloomer & Crane
Rachel Selekman
Onscape, Inc.
Deborah Oates
Lea DeLong
Richard & Bev Moody
Petra Bachmaier
Karma Forrestal
Anonymous Supporter
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