In the Company of Black
In the Company of Black is a photography publication that will bring together images of black people who represent everyday folks. For the past seven years, I have developed a body of work that focuses on portraits of extraordinarily, ordinary people, such as educators, artists, administrators, business owners, teachers, and students. When it comes to black people, America is fascinated with extreme poles: either showing victims of violence, pain, and poverty (black misery) or famous athletes and entertainers, and icons of popular culture (black exceptionalism). This false dichotomy denies black people the individuality and full spectrum of humanity that is so readily offered to the white population in this country. The photographs that I’ve been making ask the question: where are the people who make up the space in between? Here they are, they are important, they must be seen! With this campaign, I am seeking support to publish my first artist monograph, a solo publication that will compile my best work within this series that has been seven years in the making.
About This Project
As a photographer, I use a highly stylized and aesthetized presentation, implementing ideas from cinema and directorial staging. The images I create are in direct contrast to the body of work that examines Black people through a documentary or celebrity lens as subjects for ethnographic studies or fanatic adulation. The women, men, and children of my photographs are ordinary—extraordinarily so—and consequently offer a fuller range of humanity—black or otherwise. These are images of individuals inhabiting their spaces, participating/living out their lives for a moment, for the camera, and by extension the viewer.
This project is, by nature, an ongoing one. There are always more individuals who meet the criteria of underexposed and underrepresented. However, I have reached a juncture where I have produced a collection that faithfully and creatively depicts my subject matter within this conceptual frame work of providing a fuller representation of black lives and people.
There are many phases and components that encompass the career of an artist. Exhibition opportunities are the most obvious phase, but in most respects the exhibition can be transient and ephemeral. The monograph conversely seeks to mark time in an artist’s creative life, as well as a moment of cultural production, and can serve as a cultural artifact in a way. Through this campaign, my completed monograph for In the Company of Black will give everyone—from the photography enthusiast to the scholar—an opportunity to consider my ideas and aspirations as an artist and image maker, compare and contrast my work with my peers, and put my work in the conversation as it relates to discussions concerning, race, class, and art.
Your support of In the Company of Black will be critical in helping me cover costs related to the design and printing of this publication, while also simultaneously assisting me in achieving a milestone in my creative practice.
Thank yous
Contribute any amount or choose from the levels below.
- $10Thank you and personal invitation to the monograph book signing event ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $50Above, plus your name acknowledged in the monograph and an invitation to the monograph book signing event ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $1008 x 10 print (special 3AP edition), plus your name acknowledged in the monograph and an invitation to the monograph book signing event ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $25012 x 15 Signed Print (special 3AP edition), plus your name acknowledged in the monograph and an invitation to the monograph book signing event ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $50016 x 20 Signed Print (special 3AP edition), plus your name acknowledged in the monograph and an invitation to the monograph book signing event ($0.00 is tax deductible.)
- $2000Everything at the $500 level, plus a signed copy of the monograph. ($0.00 is tax deductible.)

Cecil McDonald Jr.
Cecil McDonald, Jr. (B. 1965, Chicago) is most interested in the intersections of masculinity, familial relations, and black culture's artistic and intellectual pursuits, particularly as this culture intersects with and informs the larger culture. Through photography, video, and dance/performance, he …
View Cecil McDonald Jr.'s profile-
Update 1: Book LaunchPosted on May 01, 2017
I’m thrilled to share with you all that “In the Company of Black” has just been published! Last weekend, we celebrated the launch at Filter Photo and as part of Chicago Humanities Festival, where I was in conversation with Dawoud Bey. This book would not exist without the support of those who gave generously. Thank you for believing in my vision. If you are interested in learning more about the publication, please visit the Candor Arts website at
Barak ade Soleil
Janelle Dowell
Katherine Jones
Tracye Matthews
Barry Mayo
Amy Mooney
Dick Cole
Michelle E. L. Merritt
Matthew Nighswander
Michelle Boone
Margaret Wright
Amy Wainwright
sabina ott
Matt Austin
Gregory Foster-Rice
Bob Thall
John Bakker
Sarah Baranski
Adam Brooks
Richard Cahan
Maria Gray
faheem majeed
David Bradley
Cynthia Weiss
doug mcgoldrick
Juan Fernandez
Alyssa Sorresso
Michelle E. L. Merritt
Myra Greene
Ryan Thompson
Debra Levie
John Morrison
Melissa Ann Pinney
Zoraida Castilblanco
Jason Reblando
Laura Bauknecht
John Ellis
Tess Ousley
Sharon Harrell
Anthony Smith
Tempestt Hazel
Vince Saunders
Kilolo Luckett
Joanne Vena
Cauleen Smith
Sarah Beth Woods
Lynette Saunders
Juan Favela
Jill Scott
Aimee Reatherford
Michael Bracey
Anne Harris
Juliana Perisin
Avery Young
Samantha Crook
Liz Chilsen
Julie Marie Lemon
Shelton Matsry
Alfonso Smith
Wendi Hill
Tara Betts
Colleen Plumb
Corinne Rose
Thank you to the following for contributing to 3Arts with the recommendation that we support this project.

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