2020 3Arts/Southwest Airlines Community Award

85 3Arts supporters
$31,951 raised of $25,000 goal
Southwest Match
0 Days 0:00:00 LEFT
Funded on May 21, 2020
    • Southwest Match
    • 128% contributed

CHICAGO SURE IS SHOWING UP during this difficult time when so many artists have lost their livelihoods almost overnight.  

After reaching our initial goal swiftly, we are keeping this campaign going with a STRETCH GOAL of $30,000 to support the infrastructure of our awards programs, including seeding a new 3Arts Emergency Relief Fund (3ER) to offer support to our awardees who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19.

3Arts loves you, Chicago!

First things first. We are living through extraordinary times.

The livelihoods of Chicago's extraordinary artists are under threat. We invite you to band together with us and break through the storm clouds in a show of solidarity for the million ways they make our lives more beautiful.  

Every show of support counts right now. Please consider donating your tickets if you have to cancel attending a performance, sharing news far and wide about artists' presentations, and making contributions to their next big projects when you are able to do so. They are the heart of Chicago--let's show them ours.  

At 3Arts we're remaining steadfast in our commitment to artists and the programs that help them thrive in our city. In fact, we are now working to provide emergency relief grants to artists across the state, in addition to finding ways to support them through our regular programs. Learn more about these efforts here

We are not slowing down, thanks to the supporters who are stepping UP.

With this campaign, we invite YOU, our friends, to join us in supporting a $25,000 3Arts Award that will be given to a local artist who is making indispensable contributions to our city. 

This is not business as usual. This year, Southwest Airlines is stepping up to cover $15,000 of our goal, leaving us with just $10,000 to raise from the community for this effort. Every $1.00 or $10.00 matters. If there ever was a year for our community to support artists, this is it.


About This Project

Each year, ten Chicago artists who reflect our mission receive 3Arts Awards of $25,000, with no strings attached. Artists may use the awards to support new work, pay off debt, purchase equipment, travel, or start a savings account---or however they wish. For most of them, our award is the first they have received.

An unrestricted award is significant on its own, but 3Arts Awards represent more than just cash. They are the entry point to career-spanning support that helps artists build momentum over time. 3Arts awardees are eligible for project funding, residency fellowships, informal and formal professional development, and promotion.

When you donate to this campaign, you become a champion of Chicago’s women artists, artists of color, and artists with disabilities who work in the performing, teaching, and visual arts. 3Arts will join you by matching up to 1/3 of the funding goal. 

The recipient of the 2020 Community Award, along with the nine other 2020 awardees, will be announced on October 19 at our annual awards celebration to be held at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago.

"This is a life changing award. This is not only about one individual or ten. It's about the beauty of us working as a community, feeding pipelines that are serving us, and continuing to break barriers."


Ivelisse Diaz
2019 3Arts Community Award recipient

Thank yous

Contribute any amount or choose from the levels below.

  • $10
    Our eternal gratitude! Every amount counts and will make an artist feel valued. ($10.00 is tax deductible.)
  • $30
    Above, plus your name listed onscreen at the 2020 3Arts Awards Celebration on October 19. ($30.00 is tax deductible.)
  • $130
    Above, plus one ticket to a performance featuring a 3Arts awardee. ($80.00 is tax deductible.)
  • $300
    All of the above, plus a chance to win a free roundtrip e-pass courtesy of Southwest Airlines. ($250.00 is tax deductible.)
  • $500
    All of the above, plus complimentary, reserved seats for two at the 2020 3Arts Awards celebration on October 19. ($350.00 is tax deductible.)
  • $1300
    All of the above, plus we’ll treat you to lunch with the 2020 3Arts Community Awardee. ($1050.00 is tax deductible.)


3Arts is a nonprofit organization that supports Chicago’s women artists, artists of color, and Deaf and disabled artists who work in the performing, teaching, and visual arts. By providing cash awards, project funding, residency fellowships, professional development, and promotion, 3Arts …

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  • No updates yet, stay tuned!
    • Thank you to the following for contributing to 3Arts with the recommendation that we support this project.

    • Cat Tager

    • Rose Parisi

    • Masum Momaya

    • Michael Siurek

    • Scott Wang

    • Katie Dowling

    • Remberto Del Real

    • Thomas Holt

    • Lisa Lee

    • Janet Sayre

    • Scott Lundius

    • Julia Mayer

    • Cheryl Yuen

    • Cauleen Smith

    • Katie Law

    • Maureen Noble

    • Mel Smith & Janet Carl Smith

    • Debra Hass

    • Jon Satrom

    • Gail Sellers

    • Susan Musich

    • Joanne Vena

    • Nicole Stolte

    • Susan Eleuterio

    • Sara Slawnik

    • rochelle jones

    • Rachel Arfa

    • Carrie Sandahl

    • Ann Filmer

    • alice dubose

    • Bucky Halker

    • Christy Uchida

    • Kwesi Smith

    • Jim Murphy

    • Barbara Koenen

    • Victoria Engonopoulos

    • Robert Martin

    • Kris Lenzo

    • Ayako Kato

    • Anonymous Supporter

    • Stephanie Clemens

    • Annie Morse

    • Dianna Frid

    • Barry & Pam Tinsley

    • Brian Foley

    • William McMillin

    • Mark Beasley

    • cristal sabbagh

    • Therese Grisham

    • Erica Weiss

    • Niki and George Nolin and Kase

    • Amy Wishnick

    • Tara Mallen

    • Darcie McLoughlin

    • Annie Morse

    • Anonymous Supporter

    • Rachel Kraft

    • Christopher Audain

    • Linda Loving

    • Ellen Placey Wadey

    • Richard and Sherry Frenzel

    • Kate Dumbleton

    • In The Works Foundation: Paul and Dedrea Gray

    • Colleen and Lloyd Fry and the Lloyd A. Fry Foundation

    • Lee and Rona SCHWARZ

    • Anonymous Supporter

    • Jon Satrom

    • john and emily sinnott

    • Fred Knight

    • Paul & Patricia McCarthy

    • Sandy Guettler

    • Ann Slawnik

    • James Fredrick

    • Anonymous Supporter

    • Amber Ginsburg

    • Karen Lebergott

    • Eva Silverman

    • Tomeka Reid

    • Mel Smith

    • Jessica Korda

    • Mark Parisi

    • Irene Phelps

    • Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation

    • Peter & Alicia Pond

    • Siragusa Family Foundation

make it work


3AP Presenting Partner:

  Joyce Logo

 Additional support provided by: 

Department of Cultural Affairs logo  Illinois Arts Council