Sara Zalek
Sara Zalek is a visual artist, choreographer, and curator rooted in Butoh, the avant-garde, and investigations of personal identity. She is obsessed with time travel, experimental science, hybrid animals, permaculture, and the intentional act of transformation. Through Butoh Chicago, Zalek continues to connect national and international artists with Chicago art makers across genres of dance, music, film, and performance art. She seeks to weave Chicago’s complex, overlapping arts sectors by providing opportunities for Butoh artists through conversations, workshops, and performances.
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Sara Zalek has crowd-funded a project with 3AP
- $5,140 raised of $5,000 goal
- 0 Days 0:00:00 LEFT
This June, I am organizing a week–long visit in Chicago by one of the world’s great Butoh masters, Tadashi Endo. Performing for the first time in the U.S., Tadashi Endo will present IKIRU-Réquiem para Pina Bausch at the Old Town …
Read more about Butoh Chicago: Tadashi Endo